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Saturday February 15th, 2025


January 2022

It’s been awhile since we’ve posted any updates…..

Worship Services have been a blessing with many visitors, new members, and old and new friends. God continues to watch over our congregation while we all grow closer to Him and enjoy all the fellowship that comes with being in worship together.

Pastor John is continuing his expository preaching on Sundays from the book of James – and on Wednesday evenings, he sends out a link to an online Bible study on 1 John.

Happy January 2022!!!

Posted in Orlando CCC Events


We are honored and blessed to celebrate The Savior on Resurrection Sunday, April 4, 2021.

He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!

Please join us for Resurrection Sunday Communion Worship at 11:00 a.m.

Posted in Orlando CCC Events


We have so much to be thankful for! Our small church has been blessed to be meeting together again in corporate worship since June (while following all the safety guidelines during COVID). We continue to pray for God’s healing of our nation and the entire world, not only the physical body from the virus, but the hearts and minds of those in need.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. ~ Romans 12:2

Posted in Orlando CCC Events


It’s still a great time of year! Our little church is blessed to be able to worship together on Sundays and keep the safe 6 foot distance between families, while observing all the other required rules during this ongoing virus. It’s so good to be able to continue this most important part of our weekly routine – praising our Savior together in corporate worship.

As Christians, we know God is in control of all things, and we patiently wait on Him and keep our faith strong, staying in the Word and worshiping and praying together ~ we are blessed to be called His!

Posted in Orlando CCC Events

June 14 Worship at CCC

We are happy to be able to gather together once again in our church sanctuary beginning Sunday, June 14, 2020. It’s been over 2 months of staying home and listening to Sunday sermons via YouTube, and we’ve missed each other tremendously! Our sanctuary is large enough for individuals/couples/families to keep our ‘social distance’ of 6 feet apart.

We’ve taken steps to provide a clean environment such as: professional cleaning on Saturday evening (which we’ve always done); plenty of masks and hand sanitizer available for use in the church; keeping pew Bibles and Hymnals stored away except on Sunday morning; new technology of UV-C lamps to sanitize the Sanctuary the night before Worship; coffee/cookie service suspended for the time being; and advising everyone to refrain from handshaking and hugging – which is the hardest thing of all to do!

This is a step in the right direction for God’s people to be able to be together in corporate worship. We all continue to pray for those affected by the coronavirus, all the healthcare workers who have the responsibilities of seeing patients and caring for them and being around them, and our leaders in the government and positions of law enforcement…. for those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God.


Posted in Orlando CCC Events

Virtual Worship

March 27, 2020 Update: With the entire world knowing about COVID-19, there’s not too much more we can say about it on this page. Our little church was very fortunate to be able to be in worship together last Sunday, March 22, keeping our safe distance from one another. We had hoped to be able to continue that same way, but we are complying with the Stay at Home order for all of Orange County, and Pastor John will be bringing us the sermon on a YouTube link for at least the next 2 Sundays. John has begun a new sermon series on the letter of Paul to the Colossians.

Our prayers are that the virus is quickly eradicated, God willing, and that more people are escaping the illness altogether. We pray for those who are ill, and their friends and family members as they cope with this disease. We pray also for all the health care providers and other front line workers – all who are in essential service positions – that they stay well and free from harm. God is great, and He is in control and will continue to watch over us all!

Posted in Orlando CCC Events

March Worship

Christ Community Church is able to continue worship services, as we are one of the few “small” churches in the Orlando/Dr. Phillips area. We are asking that anyone who is ill to carefully follow the recommendation of the CDC by staying at home and/or seeking treatment. And for those who feel their health may be compromised by attending ANY gathering, please take care of yourself and remain safe in your home.

We are making sure to properly clean regularly handled areas in the church building for extra protection from germs. Procedures are quickly changing in the present environment regarding the COVID-19 crisis. We hope to keep our regular attendees updated, and that we will be able to continue corporate worship and Bible studies together on a regular basis until we get through this most unusual event. Thank you.

Posted in Orlando CCC Events

Happy New Year

Please join us as we begin the New Year’s sermons from the Epistle of Jude. Pastor John will expositorily preach through the book of Jude in great detail, and we would love to meet and greet you!

Posted in Orlando CCC Events

Christmas Eve Service

Candlelight Communion Christmas Eve Service

6 p.m., December 24, 2019

Posted in Orlando CCC Events

Finishing the Series

On October 27, Reformation Sunday, Pastor John will complete his sermons from 1 and 2 Peter. We have learned so much from these wonderful messages of encouragement. Key verses which really stand out and are certainly ones to commit to memory are 2 Peter 1:5-8; For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Posted in Orlando CCC Events